ChatGPT makes side projects easy: a case study
An article about Greybox Wrapped published on Linkedin.
23 Apr, 2023 - 01 Min read
Here’s the product of that one time when I wanted to try out ggplot2
on a controversial dataset about prejudice in the EU, got dragged into an argument about methodology, and ended up learning about sjPlot
and tmap
in the process of writing a couple thousand words in RMarkdown.
Go read it. It has pretty graphs and ruins your faith in humanity.
”How prejudiced are we really? One more look at that 2015 Eurobarometer”
An article about Greybox Wrapped published on Linkedin.
23 Apr, 2023 - 01 Min read
Automating an unwieldy genomics processing & analysis pipeline with Snakemake and friends.
02 May, 2022 - 05 Mins read
If you're looking for a skilled data engineer passionate about transforming data into actionable insights or simply want to have a chat.