WIP: Research Notes on Personal Website (Re)Design

WIP: Research Notes on Personal Website (Re)Design

02 Jun, 2024 - 02 Mins read
  • others

The headings are the primary list, the examples underneath them should just clarify what I mean.

tl;dr: Current plan of action

  • Buy the Andromeda theme and come up with color customizations
  • Add a horizontal “rotating” About text with GSAP / Framer Motion / some other framework, and rewrite the copy accordingly
  • Bring in the content collections I have

Things I don’t want or need

(so please don’t try to upsell me on them)

  • CMS integration (git is good enough, thank you)
  • SEO optimization (I’m the only Šimon Podhajský around and I’m not aiming for search conversions on my blog posts)
  • Config-only content determination (I don’t intend to re-sell the template, so I don’t need to make it super easy to change the content)

Things I do like

The horizontal “rotating” About text

The scrolling animation (appearance from the bottom) + expansion of background within a single-page app

Other examples of engaging scrolling animation


Responsive layout (nothing fancy, it should just look fine on a phone)

No particular examples here - I haven’t encountered anything that looks / should look particularly fetching on a phone, it just shouldn’t break everything.


Minimalism I’d be tempted with if I was building things myself

Brilliant & beautiful examples (but unattainable on my budget)

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